그냥 이쁜 봉제 인형이 아니란다. 


Infectuously Cute Plush Microbes


설명서를 보니 무슨 이상한 전문 용어가 막 튀어 나온다.

무슨 엄청난 의미를 가진 것들이란 말인가?


영어 사전을 동원하여 해석을 해보려는 순간.......

대충~ 보니......아....어렵군....

아~ 영어 사전에도 안나오는 전문용어들....에잇!


각각의 인형들은 균사체를 말한다.

일명 무슨 병균들을 확대하여 만든 그런 봉제인형인데....헉!!


아래 각각 봉제 인형과 균사체의 특징을 잘 살펴보자.


Common Cold


(일반 감기 균, 성게군 만화에나 나오는 그 감기 녀석의 실체구먼...)



The Flu


(유행성 감기, 독감의 균사체)



Martian Life


(화성 생물 균사체, 화성에도 생물이 있었다? 호오~ *.*)



Sore Throat


(인후염증? 머...그런 목감기 관련 균사체인듯...)





(위궤양이랍니다. ㅡ.ㅡ;; 촉수가 징그럽나?)


Beer Yeast


(이스트랍니다. 빵을 부풀리는 효모를 말하는 거지요. 한글이름은 누룩? ^^;;)



Stomach Ache


(배탈? 저거 뱃속에 있으면 배탈나는 군요....^^)



Bad Breath


(호흡곤란? 천식? 머...그런거 군요....흠...)



Mono - Kissing Disease


(키스병이라고 하네요...*.* 이런 것두 있나? 전염성 단핵 세포라고 합디다...)





(악명의 그 에볼라 바이러스 군요....정말 이지....생긴 것도 덩(?)같아 보이는군요...)





(반대좀이라고 하는 책에 붙는 벌레라고 합니다. 나도 오래된 책에서 본 거 같은....)



Flesh Eating Disease


(말 그대로 살을 뜯어먹는 병균? 전문용어로 머라고 할텐데...모르겠음...)





(인류 최대의 적입니다.)

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) 인체 면역 결핍 바이러스 ((AIDS 바이러스))



위 균사체에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래와 같다.

더불어 괄호안의 용어는 학명인듯...ㅡ.ㅡ;;


  • Flesh Eating Disease (Steptococcus pyogenes)
    Caused by the same microbe responsible for strep-throats, Flesh Eating can put you on a diet -- fast.
  • Bad Breath - Halitosis (Porphorymonas gingivalis)
    Oral malodor is no laughing matter. But don't give spicy foods all the credit. Microbes deserve their share of the glory, too. Make someone smile (as long as they've brushed first.)
  • Common Cold (Rhinovirus)
    Billions of people a year catch the cold. Now you can get one too -- without getting sick! Learn all about the Common Cold with this cuddly companion.
  • Flu (Orthomyoxvirus)
    This guy may not look too tough, but don't let his cute looks fool you! once he and his friends show up you're in for a pretty lousy time. Learn about his weaknesses so you can avoid unwanted encounters.
  • H.I.V.(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
    Not cute in any sense, This plush microbe seeks to educate those about the deadly virus that destroys CD4 or T-helper cells.
  • Mono - Kissing Disease (Epstein-Barr Virus)
    A kiss is just a kiss -- unless she's around! 95% of the population has encountered this sweetie pie. Just think of all the fun you can have giving Mono to somebody without all the medical complications!
  • Sore Throat (Streptococcus)
    No one likes having a sore throat, unless it's a Giantmicrobe! Find out what makes Streptococcus bacteria more than just your average sore throat virus.
  • Stomach Ache(Shigella)
    Having a stomach ache can be loads of fun ... if it's a Giantmicrobe, of course! (And this one will tell you how to keep his friends away.)
  • Ulcer(Helicobater pylori)
    Guess what? Stress doesn't cause ulcers -- microbes do! But we guarantee that this little guy will give your most stressed out pal a laugh.
  • Beer Yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
    Come and get it! This microbe is a baker, and a brewer -- and a scientist to boot. Pretty amazing! Learn about the secrets to its success.
  • Ebola(Ebola Virus)
    Since its discovery in 1976, Ebola has become the T. Rex of microbes. Share the love!
  • BookWorm(Anobium punctatum)
    Do you have a favorite bookworm? We do! And our book-lover is sure to interest just about any bibliophile.
  • Martian Microbe(ALH 84001)
    Are we alone? Maybe not! Mars Rock ALH 84001 produced rampant speculation after bacteria-like shapes were discovered inside. And if life does exist on other planets in the solar system, it probably looks like this!


    정말~ 별의 별게 나오는 군요.

    병원균사체부터 화성생물까지....


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