니콘 D80(영어: Nikon D80)
니콘의 디지털 SLR 카메라로 2006년 8월 9일에 발표되었다.
가격은 과거 니콘 D70 및 니콘 D70s의 출시가와 비슷하다.
카메라만 $1000이고 Zoom-Nikkor AF-S DX 18-135 mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED 킷 렌즈 포함시 $1300이다.
소니 DSLR-A100, 펜탁스 K10D, 캐논 EOS 400D 등이 주요 경쟁 대상이다.
23.6 x 15.8 mm 크기에 1020만 유효 화소를 가지는 소니 CCD 센서를 가지고 있다.
ICX493AQA로 추정되는 이 센서는 소니 DSLR-A100, 펜탁스 K10D에도 쓰이는 것으로 알려져 있다.
- 7개의 프리셋 화상 모드(자동, 인물, 풍경, 매크로, 스포츠, 야경, 야간인물[1]) - 윗쪽에 붙은 다이얼을 가지고 설정한다.
- 사용자가 선택 가능한 이미지 최적화 선택사항(보통, 부드럽게, 우아하게, 더 우아하게, 인물, 커스텀, 흑백[1])
- 이미지 재가공(retouch) 기능. D-라이팅(D-Lighting), 적목현상제거, 자르기, 이미지 오버레이, 모노크롬, 필터 이펙트 등. 카메라에 내장.
- 다중 노출 기능. 최대 3장의 사진을 합침. 카메라에 내장.
- USB 2.0 하이-스피드 인터페이스
- 펜타프리즘(Pentaprism) 뷰파인더, 컴팩트한 펜타-미러 설정이 아님. 요컨데 0.94x 확대 vs. 0.8x 확대. (D40의 경우.) D200에 있던 것과 같은 것.
- 2.5 인치, 23만 픽셀 LCD 모니터. D40, D40x, D200에 있는 것과 같은 것.
니콘 D80은 10.2 메가픽셀 이미지 센서라든지, 니콘 D200의 기능 중 일부를 물려받았다.
하지만 니콘 D200보다는 데이터 스루풋이 나쁘다.
D80은 니콘 DSLR 중 두번째로 SD 카드를 사용한 DSLR이다. (D50이 최초이다.)
D70, D70s, D200 같은 데서는 콤팩트플래시를 사용하였다.
더 저장공간이 큰 SDHC도 지원한다.
부가선택사항 부속품
- 무선 ML-L3 (적외선) 리모트 콘트롤 및 MC-DC 리모트 코드
- 배터리 MB-D80 배터리 그립. 더 싼 값의 유사품이 많다.
Nikon D80 Review, September 2006, Phil Askey
Two and a half years ago Nikon announced the six megapixel D70, their first affordable enthusiasts digital SLR, it proved to be a very popular camera and strong competitor to the Canon EOS 300D (Digital Rebel). Just fifteen months later Nikon revealed the D70s which was essentially the same camera with a some subtle tweaks (improved AF, wider flash coverage, higher capacity battery, larger LCD monitor). And so just over fifteen months on from the D70s Nikon present the latest incarnation of their 'enthusiasts' digital SLR line, the ten megapixel D80. The D80 slots nicely between the entry-level D50 and the semi-professional / professional D200, clearly based on the D70 design but also different enough to be seen as a completely new model. It features a ten megapixel DX format CCD (the same we presume as used by Sony in the DSLR-A100), the metering sensor from the D50 and numerous other items taken or modified from the D200. UPDATE 18/Dec/06: In our original review a mistake was made in the measurement of the ISO sensitivity of the Canon EOS 400D as used for comparison, this has now been corrected and the releveant pages of this review updated. Key features
Compared to the Nikon D70s, major feature and specification differencesAs you can see from the table below the D80 carries some quite significant improvements compared to the D70s, the only slight negative point being slightly slower maximum shutter speed and flash sync (this due to a lack of an electronic shutter).
Two new AF-S lensesIn addition to the D80 Nikon has also announced two new lenses, the big zoom AF-S DX 18-135 mm (7.5x) is set to become the 'Kit Lens' (for another $300) of choice and features ED glass and a fast, quiet SWM (Silent Wave Motor), it should be available in September with the D80. The AF-S 70-300 mm VR (4.3x) offers long telephoto reach with optical Vibration Reduction and a SWM (Silent Wave Motor), it should retail for $699 and be available in October.
Foreword / notesIf you're new to digital photography you may wish to read some of our Digital Photography Glossary before diving into this article (it may help you understand some of the terms used). Conclusion / recommendation / ratings are based on the opinion of the author, we recommend that you read the entire review before making any decision. Images which can be viewed at a larger size have a small magnifying glass icon in the bottom right corner of them, click to display a larger image in a new window. To navigate this article simply use the next / previous page buttons or jump to a specific page by using the drop-down list in the navigation bar at the top of the page. You can support this site by ordering through the affiliate links shown at the bottom of each page (where available). This article is protected by Copyright and may not be reproduced in part or as a whole in any electronic or printed medium without prior permission from the author. Dpreview use calibrated monitors at the PC normal gamma 2.2, this means that on our monitors we can make out the difference between all of the grayscale blocks below. We recommend to make the most of this review you should be able to see the difference (at least) between X,Y and Z and ideally also A, B and C. |
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